Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Books we love

I love, love, love children's literature. I took an entire course devoted to it in college, and many others where children's lit was hugely a part of the material. As a teacher-turned-stay-at-home-mom, I now love reading to my daughter many of the books I used to love reading to my elementary school classes.

Read-alouds are just a favorite part of the education process, aren't they? I even had a high school English teacher who would read to all of her classes, because she said you were never too old to be read to. I liked that philosophy. :)

So... here are a few of our current favorite reads:

The New Potty by Gina and Mercer Mayer
I loved the Little Critter books as a child! They're simple, short, and there's a variety of topics available. Can you guess why we chose this one? (Now, will someone please explain to me why she wants to READ the book every twenty minutes, but has suddenly decided to run screaming from her own potty?)

Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert
Are there any books that have more child-friendly pictures out there? The illustrations in Lois Ehlert books are so unique. I love them! My daughter asks me to read "betch-a-bul soooup" to her regularly. I have high hopes for using this book in conjunction with planting a small garden this year. High hopes.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
It's a classic. We've loved all the Eric Carle books we've read, but this is the one that's currently sitting next to the rocking chair in her room.

Hercules the Harbor Tug by Michael O'Hearn
This book is a little long for a two-year-old's attention span, but she does love the first few pages of the story. :) Honestly, I think she just loves looking at the illustrations in this book. They are kind of neat, particularly if you have a boat-lover in your home.

Archibald's Opposites by Phil Vischer
Yes, VeggieTales. :) I don't tend to promote a lot of "character"-themed items, but this is a cute book. We have approximately 319 books on opposites in this house, but this is the one I most prefer.

What are the books you and your child love? It's always fun to find a new story to read... for parent and child!

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